#37 Crossing the Streams with ASP.NET Core SignalR and Reactive Programming

The long awaited SignalR for ASP.NET Core is here. The essence of SignalR is that it generates streams of data to the client. Any conventional method of asynchronous programming with async/await in .NET or promises in JavaScript is not suitable for streams. Clients want to react to data just relevant for them or the user as soon as it arrives.
In this session we take a look at what ASP.NET Core SignalR brings to the table especially compared to the non-Core version of SignalR. And, maybe more importantly, the correct way to consume the streams it generates in a reactive manner. You'll also find out that allthough crossing the streams is a bad thing in Ghostbusters is actually easy to do in ASP.NET Core SignalR without causing any explosions!
Intermediate AspNet



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Předpokládané datum zveřejnění je: 11.08.2019

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