Daniel Hindrikes
Daniel Hindrikes

Daniel Hindrikes

Daniel one of the most experienced Xamarin developers in Sweden. He started to develop mobile apps long before that, mostly on the Android- (both with Xamarin and with Java) and Windows platforms. But he’s is a full stack developer, but focus on with mobile- and cloud solution as an architect and developer. Right now he is really passionate about how AI can make great applications fantastic. Daniel working for tretton37 in Sweden and he has experience for working with both local- and global customers.

2018 Přednášky

Building great apps with Xamarin.Forms


23 lis 2018
10:10 - 11:00
Bude upřesněno

Mobile DevOps - Deliver great apps continuously


23 lis 2018
13:30 - 14:20
Bude upřesněno

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