Karl Ots
Karl Ots

Karl Ots

Karl Ots is a cloud and cybersecurity consultant, as well as international speaker and trainer, with a broad range of deep Azure expertise. He believes that cloud technologies are the key to successful digital transformation. He applies his passion and expertise to his work as a Managing Consultant at Kompozure, the Azure-only consultancy. Karl is also an Azure MVP.

With professional experience in technology field since 2007, Karl has been working with Microsoft Azure since 2011 in a variety of forums ranging from deep customer engagements to speaking at 1:1000 events. Karl is a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) and a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).

2018 Přednášky

Top 18 Azure security fails and how to avoid them


22 lis 2018
9:00 - 9:50
Bude upřesněno

Monitoring real-life Azure applications: When to use what and why


22 lis 2018
13:30 - 14:20
Bude upřesněno

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