Daniel Hindrikes
Daniel Hindrikes

Daniel Hindrikes

Daniel is a developer and architect that has a passion for developing mobile apps powered by the cloud. Daniel has been developing iOS- and Android with Xamarin since the early days of Xamarin. But he started to develop mobile apps even before that, mostly on the Android- and Windows platforms. Daniel enjoying to share his knowledge by speaking, blogging, or recording the podcasts, App In The Cloud and The Code Behind. Daniel is also co-author of the book, Xamarin.Forms projects and a Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies. Daniel working for 13|37 in Sweden and he has experience working with both local- and global customers.

2020 Přednášky

The state of Xamarin

Den  4

26 lis 2020
Track B
13:00 - 14:05
Bude upřesněno

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