Erik Schierboom
Erik Schierboom
Senior developer at Exercism

Erik Schierboom

Erik works at Exercism, where he tries to design and build the optimal experience for learning programming languages. He has always been fascinated with programming languages and tries to learn a new language each year. As such, Erik is familiar with a variety of languages, like C#, F#, TypeScript, JavaScript, Haskell, Scala, Kotlin, Ruby and Rust. Besides learning languages, Erik also loves sharing his knowledge with others. Combining these two things with a love for open-source made Exercism a perfect fit. Over the last five years, Erik has been involved in many aspects of the Exercism platform, with him taking on the role of student, mentor and maintainer and helping hundreds of students improve their coding skills.

2020 Přednášky

Analyzing source code using Roslyn

Den  2

24 lis 2020
Track B
15:20 - 16:25
Bude upřesněno

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