Santosh Hari
Santosh Hari
Technologist, Microsoft Azure MVP, President @Onetug #OrlandoCC

Santosh Hari

Santosh Hari is a Microsoft Azure MVP and a public speaker who gives talks frequently at meetups, conferences and codecamps. He works for a startup where, he leverages his software skills to help provide high quality, affordable wireless broadband to the developing world. He also runs a software consulting company with his wife. Santosh also volunteers for Orlando .NET User Group as President and co-organizer of the annual Orlando Codecamp.

2020 Přednášky

SQL Server is not an excuse to avoid DevOps

Den  2

24 lis 2020
Track A
14:20 - 15:05
Bude upřesněno

Feature flags: the toggle, the A/B test and the canary

Den  3

25 lis 2020
Track B
14:00 - 14:45
Bude upřesněno

Storno podmínky.

Vstupenku je možné převést na jinou osobu nebo stornovat. Při stornování vstupenky platí následující storno poplatky: