Hasan Savran
Hasan Savran
Owner of SavranWeb Consulting, BI Manager at Progressive Insurance

Hasan Savran

Hasan is a Subject Matter Expert on Azure Cosmos DB; he is recognized by Microsoft as Data Platform MVP. He is the owner of SavranWeb Consulting and works at Progressive Insurance as a Business Intelligence Manager. Hasan spends his days architecting cutting edge business solutions by using the latest Web and Database technologies. Hasan has more than 15 years of experience in the software industry as a developer, software architect, manager, and CEO. He has spoken at many conferences worldwide; He is an active member of the HTML5 and Web Assembly W3C groups. Hasan likes to write about SQL, Azure Cosmos DB, C#, and Front-End development on his blog.

2021 Přednášky

How does Azure Cosmos DB work under the hood?

Den  1

18 lis 2021
Hall B
13:45 - 14:45
Bude upřesněno

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