Mark Michaelis
Mark Michaelis
Chief Technical Nerd, Author of Essential C# series, MVP/RD

Mark Michaelis

Mark Michaelis ( is founder and CEO of IntelliTect, a high-end software development and management consulting company based in Spokane, Washington. At any given time, Mark leads his successful company while flying all over the world for Microsoft and other clients or speaking engagements. He continually delivers conference sessions on leadership or technology, is updating the next edition of his book or is crafting his Essential .Net column for Microsoft Developer Network Magazine (MSDN). A world-class C# expert who honed his engineering skills by serving on several Microsoft software design review teams, including C#, Azure and Azure DevOps, Mark is the author of Essential C# 7.0 ( As a direct result of his work with C# and Azure DevOps, Mark has been a distinguished Microsoft MVP since 1996, and a Microsoft Regional Director since 2007. A firm believer in autonomy, mastery and purpose, Mark’s unmatched management and leadership style enables him to successfully handle a day with only 24 hours in it. Mark and his wife, Elisabeth, have invested a significant amount of the profit generated by IntelliTect into fighting debilitating poverty around the world. They have done this by thoughtfully partnering with charity organizations to increase access to basic food and water infrastructure, improve educational opportunities and fight injustices like human trafficking and the systematic oppression of women. When not bonding with his computer, Mark enjoys soccer, hiking and showing his kids real life in other countries. Mark lives in Spokane, Washington, with his wife Elisabeth and three children, Benjamin, Hanna and Abigail. He is looking forward to finding his next adventure.

2021 Přednášky

An In-Depth Look at Programming With Nullability

Den  1

18 lis 2021
Hall A
10:15 - 11:15
Bude upřesněno

Modernizing C# Guidelines

Den  2

19 lis 2021
Hall A
12:30 - 13:30
Bude upřesněno

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