Přemek Vysoký
Přemek Vysoký
Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft

Přemek Vysoký

Přemek is a Senior engineer from Microsoft working on the .NET Engineering Services team that is responsible for the infrastructure that builds, tests and ships .NET. The CI system supporting this makes it possible to integrate the several hundred .NET repositories, run billions of tests every month on dozens upon dozens of platforms and ultimately enable the open-source development and shipping of modern day .NET. Outside of .NET, Přemek spent about a decade as a full-stack web developer but later also worked on a mix of frontend and backend in Google and Microsoft (Office, Skype and Teams).

2022 Přednášky

Q&A – Ask the .NET team

Den  1

10 lis 2022
Hall A
17:45 - 18:45
Bude upřesněno

Storno podmínky.

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