Eduard Keilholz
Eduard Keilholz
Team Lead & Solution Architect at 4DotNet

Eduard Keilholz

Eduard is a Cloud Solution Architect at 4DotNet (The Netherlands). He likes to help customers with implementing and experiencing cloud technologies. He likes to create highly performant software and help team members reach a higher skill level of software development. He focusses is on the Microsoft development stack, mainly C# and the Microsoft Azure Cloud, and has a strong affinity with Angular. He enjoys speaking at (inter)national conferences and contributing to community events. In 2020, Microsoft has recognized these community activities with the Microsoft MVP Award for Azure.

2023 Přednášky

Forget SignalR! Start working real-time with Azure Web PubSub

Den  1

23 lis 2023
16:30 - 17:30
Bude upřesněno

Azure Networking - A love story between a Hub and a Spoke

Den  2

24 lis 2023
10:15 - 11:15
Bude upřesněno

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