Jan de Vries
Jan de Vries
Software Engineer at Microsoft

Jan de Vries

I've been designing & developing software solutions for quite a while now. In the past decade, most of my solutions are delivered within the Microsoft Azure ecosystem, and am now working on new and exciting Azure solutions. During this time, I've been collaborating a lot with multiple customers & development teams and empowering them to implement the best possible solutions. Every project comes with its challenges, but having an agile mindset helps deliver simple solutions for complex problems. By having a broad, hands-on, experience on multiple projects I'm able to guide decisions based on my experience and make sure Azure gets better for everyone!

2023 Přednášky

Querying data at scale and how to implement this using my lessons learned

Den  2

24 lis 2023
13:45 - 14:45
Bude upřesněno

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