Milan Gabor
Milan Gabor
Ethical hacker, founder and CEO of Viris

Milan Gabor

Milan is a certified ethical hacker, cybersecurity professional, lecturer at many cybersecurity conferences at home and abroad, trainer, researcher, security consultant, and TEDx speaker. As founder and CEO of Viris, Milan has built the security firm and turned it into a major player in the penetration testing market. In addition to his executive role, Milan manages internal research and development, ensuring the company remains on top of the list of the best security companies. As a trainer, Milan has held many different training courses about cybersecurity. As a security researcher, Milan has led some development and exploitation projects. He has been asked for his professional opinion by all major media, like Monitor, POP TV, RTV SLO, Večer, and others. As a recognized public speaker, Milan has spoken about information security at conferences at home and around the world. He was also invited as s speaker at TEDx Ljubljana.

2023 Přednášky

Securing .NET Applications and Ecosystem: Implementing OWASP Top 10 and Best Practices

Den  2

24 lis 2023
16:30 - 17:30
Bude upřesněno

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