Chris Woodruff
Chris Woodruff
Architect at Real Time Technologies

Chris Woodruff

Chris Woodruff, also known as Woody, is an Architect at Real Time Technologies and brings nearly three decades of industry expertise, having launched his career before the first .COM boom. Renowned for his contributions to software development and architecture, Woody is a regular speaker at international conferences, where he shares his deep knowledge on topics ranging from database development to APIs and web technologies. A dedicated mentor, Woody thrives on guiding fellow developers and enhancing their skills through his talks, written work, and digital content. He co-hosts the popular "Breakpoint Show" podcast and YouTube channel, which he uses to connect with and educate the tech community. He is also writing a book covering network programming with C# and .NET.


Caching in ASP.NET 8 Web API

Den  1

14 lis 2024
Hall B
15:00 - 16:00
Bude upřesněno

Turbo Charging Entity Framework Core 8: Performance

Den  2

15 lis 2024
Hall B
10:30 - 11:30
Bude upřesněno

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