Christophe Nasarre
Christophe Nasarre
Software Engineer at Datadog

Christophe Nasarre

In addition to developing and shipping software on Microsoft stacks for 30+ years, Christophe has been working as a Technical Reviewer for MSPress, Addison-Wesley and other publishing companies since 1996 on books such as "CLR via C#" and the last editions of Windows Internals. He is now writing the second edition of Pro .NET Memory Management with Konrad Kokosa and Kevin Gosse. He is providing tools and insights on .NET/Windows development and troubleshooting via Look for his open source projects on Christophe also presented technical sessions on stage both internally at Microsoft or for ISVs and customers at public event such as Microsoft TechDays, NDC Oslo, DotNext or .NET Dev Days.

2023 Přednášky

What's new in .NET memory management?

Den  2

24 lis 2023
12:30 - 13:30
Bude upřesněno

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